Serie Life Fitness Club + Cinta de correr
Serie Life Fitness Club + Cinta de Correr Descripción:
Espere entre 10 y 12 semanas para la entrega.
La cinta de correr Life Fitness Club Series + le permite llevarse a casa la última cinta de correr con calidad de gimnasio de Life Fitness. Conocida por su durabilidad, diseño y tecnología de ejercicio avanzada, esta cinta de correr brinda una experiencia de carrera superior para todos los deportistas.
*Sujeto a la aprobación de crédito por parte de Synchrony Bank. El pago mensual estimado que se muestra equivale al precio de compra del producto con impuestos (excluyendo entrega, instalación y cualquier otro servicio solicitado) durante 36 meses a 9.99% APR. No se requiere pago inicial. La oferta de pago mensual fijo solo es válida con la oferta del producto que se muestra. Si realiza estos pagos antes de la fecha de vencimiento de cada mes, deberá liquidar esta compra dentro del período de la promoción. Se cobrará un interés del 29,99% a partir de la fecha de compra si la compra promocional no se paga en su totalidad dentro del período promocional. Nos reservamos el derecho de suspender o modificar los términos de esta oferta en cualquier momento. Para conocer todos los requisitos, términos y condiciones, visite Fitness For Life Caribbean, LLC. ubicado en 350 Avenida Escorial Suite 104 San Juan, PR. 00920. El solicitante y el solicitante asociado deben estar presentes.

The Life Fitness Club Series is rooted in more than 20 years of reliability, innovation and exerciser insight from gyms and health clubs across the world. The Club Series+ Treadmill is now stronger and sleeker than ever, but retains the quality and durability you trust.

The reinforced upright design, aluminum kick-resistant end caps and durable running deck ensure this treadmill will stand the test of time.

The FlexDeck® Shock Absorption System reduces stress on the knees and joints. Open space near the console provides more room for arm movement, and remote speed and incline control built into the handlebars allows adjustments without interfering with your workout.

You have plenty of room to hit your stride with the 22" wide running surface, and the 8" step-up height means this treadmill fits well in your space.

This workhorse treadmill looks great in your home, with a sleek design and premium finishes.

The intuitive touchscreen SE4 console creates a connected running experience. Your last workout is automatically saved, so you can replay it and strive to improve your performance. Challenge yourself with our auto-refreshed trending workouts. Plus, track your progress over time and push workout data to your favorite apps through Bluetooth® and NFC connection.

This treadmill is tested at the same world-class facilities as our commercial-grade products. It's backed up with a Life Fitness warranty.

The SE4 touchscreen console elevates your workout experience with a high-definition 1080p AIT (Advanced In-Cell Touch) 24" screen. Stream your favorite Netflix show™, challenge yourself with a Life Fitness On Demand™ workout class, or for a unique experience run through beautiful terrains around the world with interactive Lifescape™ courses. Connect to these and many more Apps.¹ The SL console is a premium LED console that provides an intuitive, simple exercise experience with a modern aesthetic. Durable buttons were strategically placed to provide seamless control mid-workout.

36"wide x 82"long x 56"high
Product specifications
Location: 350 Escorial Avenue, Ste. 104, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920.
Hours: Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm Saturday, 10am - 3pm Sunday, Closed.